How to choose the perfect bouquet

Our suggestions

Special attention should be paid to the bouquet, the famous bunch of flowers that every bride will forever carry in her memory.

Traditionally, the should be the last gift of the groom to the bride, before the fateful "yes", out of simplicity however, very often the brides are the ones who take care of it, in order to pay attention to all the details.

The choice of the bouquet should take into account the dress, the accessories and hairstyle of the bride, the outfit of the groom and the witnesses (with a reference to the boutonnieres) as well as the floral decoration of the entire location of the wedding ceremony and reception.

How to choose the perfect bouquet

There are various types of bouquets to choose among: from the classic round one, small and compact, to the large and bulky ones, ornate with beads, ribbons and colored bows, and the special drooping bouquets, long and romantic.

The classic ones are undoubtedly the bouquets composed of roses, in many different colors. Also peonies, hydrangeas, gerberas, lilies, hyacinths and daisies are among the brides' favorite flowers, while new trends are timidly emerging: bouquets composed of wild flowers, for a gentler and more natural style, or bouquets that focus on the simplicity of few simple but valuable flowers.

The choice of flowers is huge and must always reflect the personal tastes of the couple. Florists still recommend preferring flowers in season and that are not too delicate, because they could be damaged too early.

The bouquet must indeed remain without water for the whole day and especially resist the famous "launch" to the bridesmaids, in order to bring luck to some new bride!

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